Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday Disc Golf w/ Tim & Cubby

On my day off played 2 rounds with Cubby and Tim at Green Acres....Almost took Cubby's #1 Tag (currently I am #3). But as usual, Cubby persevered....Tim made us BBQ Hot Dogs for lunch and played well lefty.... We must have seen 8-9 snakes on the course....

Check out Cubby's blog for more info and a video of his latest Ace....

I will now leave you with some Swine Flu Humor.... (I know it's not politically correct've gotta laugh once in a while...)

They used to say a black man would be president "when pigs fly" Indeed 100 days into Obamas presidency..Swine Flu!

How do you cure Swine Flu..??? ...easy, apply Oinkment

I called the Swine Flu Hotline today but couldn't get through...all I got was Crackling!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

ARE YOU KIDDING ME...!!!!........Who's Great Idea was this......!!!!!

Nothing Like Terrifying the Population...


.WASHINGTON – An administration official says a presidential Boeing 747 and a fighter jet flew low near ground zero in New York City Monday because the White House Military Office wanted to update its file photo of the president's plane near the Statue of Liberty.

This official said the White House Military Office told the Federal Aviation Administration that it periodically updates file photos of Air Force One near national landmarks, like the statute in New York harbor and the Grand Canyon.

The official requested anonymity to give more details than the official White House announcement that took the blame.

The incident on Monday caused a brief panic among workers, who weren't warned. They recalled the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Be patient during the 13 second commercial...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Just Thought The Blog Readers would Like the Question Answered..."where do you get this stuff...??" The Boxxy Mistery Unveiled...

Thanks to MiggyG for his research on Memes.....Watch this very informative Video....


Click the Title for MUCH more BOXXY information....She's even listed in Get with it Gang......

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Challenge the BLOG readers to Listen to Boxxy for this whole Video....

OMG........There is NO WAY a normal Human can deal with BOXXY for 5:07 seconds...I DARE YOU...!!!!!...(If She was a Mute....She would be Cute...)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Disc Golf

Not to be deterred by The Holiest Religious Holiday maggotx, Cubby and Rob Z. played some early DG Easter Sunday at Rob's Bunker Hill Course....Note the Low Sun Angle...It's early (and Cold) boys and girls......Poor Tim E. was home resting up prior to his Rotator Cuff Surgery.....

BTW In Honor of the Navy Seal Sharpshooters and their Valiant Rescue here are some Somali Pirate Jokes..... AAAARRR......

These are the Morons Holding the World's Shipping Hostage............ARE YOU KIDDING ME.....!!!!!...Hey I Know how to STOP Somalian Piracy....Airdrop some Bundles of good Grade Columbian Weed a couple of bottles of Mad Dog (cheap wine) and some Porn ...and these Punks will forget about Hijacking .......

Since none of the good guys were harmed in the saving of a maritime hostage, surely the world is again safe for pirate jokes:

What does Obama give to evil pirates? A shot in the dARRRk!!!

Why do pirates hate seals? They're ShARRRp Shooters!!!

What do pirates now fear the most? The U.S. NARRRVY!!!

What happened to the pirate who messed with the USS Bainbridge? Hoisted by his own PetARRRd!!!

What will the hostage-taking pirates be missing next year? MARRRdi Gras!!!

What is a pirate's favourite type of music?
Arr and B!

What did the pirate name his daughter?

Did you hear about the new pirate movie?
It's rated arrrrrrrrr!

What brand of clothes do pirates wear?

What is a pirate's favorite dessert?
Peach cobblARRRRR!!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

OK proved your point...!!!

Morgan's and others ....NOT so subtle comments about Husky Rescue were evaluated by Maggotx and after much meditation, circumspection, reflection and evaluation I have come to the conclusion that the Morgster has a valid point....therefore, I am revising my Video/Band of the week to be POE and her new album "Haunted"....she may not be quite as cute as Reeta-Leena Korhola but she definitely is no "knock-off"...Kudos to Morgie...that's why we get our interests and comments out to the ephemera......anyway,,,,,here is POE....

POE on My Space:

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Maggotx Band and Music Video of the Week.....

Husky Rescue, From Finland.....

Their Music is definitely Maggotx style.....dark, haunting, electronic, trip-hoppy and best of all female vocals and a very hot lady...Reeta-Leena Korhola's fragile, vocals top off an airy ambiance .......check out the videos, and listen to the Music...

Monday, April 06, 2009

The Philly Open 2009

Maggotx and Tim E. took a road trip to Philly to participate in this year's Philly Open Disc Golf Tournament. a B Tier PDGA event......This course, one of the oldest in the nation, was founded in 1977.

Unfortunately Tim was unable to play due to his Rotator Cuff injury which will require surgery. Tim kept score for our group and helped us out.....The Wind was INTENSE....with gusts to 40 mph it made play very difficult.

At the end of the first round I was behind the leader by 5 strokes...with 3 of us tied for second. By the end of the second round I was able to end up with the low score, and winning the GrandMaster Division (over 50)...

In spite of the wind it was a superbly run tournament thanks to Dr. John G. Duesler, Jr (JD) and numerous others including The Friends of Sedgley Woods and The Big Dog.....

The Tournament T-Shirt and Tournament Disc included with the Player's Package, and the Maggotx Winnings......

The Cool Maggotx Disc Golf Basket Trophy.......

Already Looking forward to playing in 2010....great tournament......

Click on the Link below for more info on the History of the Sedgley Woods Course....