Win a free T-shirt if you can eat, by yourself, one extra, extra large pie!
The Stickdog (Heather) and Erin took the opportunity, with a group of NE HS students, of Senior Cut Day to visit Pete and Elda's in Neptune Beach NJ. While at P & E's Heather and some other valiant Seniors took up the "Challenge" to eat a whole large Pie each to get a Free T-shirt. As you can see....Heather at a sopping wet 115 lbs ATE THE WHOLE THING...and earned the T-Shirt....( I know I would have puked).......good job Heather......Hey Mick you think you could have done it....?????....BTW Jackie.....you're a PIGGY too.....mag
Nice job Heather. BTW I have 8 of those shirts...
Stickdog rules! What exactly was in the pie? I think the Maggotx and the bokiemole~ need to do this at least once so we can throw up all over each other.
Congratulations Heather! Keeping up the family reputation. I definitely would have puked.
Lloyd Dubbler....is that U..........mag
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