they say it's a 2 inch rock but enlarge the image and scroll to the left....it's scary how it just jumps out at you....and why is it so different.....??? HHHmmmmm maybe they have a point....Naaahhhh, ..I still say Alien......mag
Click on the Link below for the Hi-Res Photo:
NASA: Mystery Creature On Mars Is Wind-Carved Rock
An image of a mysterious human-like creature on Mars that sparked a flurry of Internet activity is not an alien but a feature of the atmosphere, according to NASA.The image, which was captured by NASA's spacecraft Spirit last November, circulated the Internet this week.After seeing the photo, some called the image the equivalent of Big Foot pictures and evidence of an alien presence on Mars.A version of the image was even magnified to show the apparent creature walking with his head tilted to the side.However, NASA said the creature is a feature of the atmosphere -- a rock 2 inches high and carved by the Martian winds, according to a CBS News report Thursday.The image is available on NASA's Web site. Click here to see the original image (the figure is near the bottom left corner).
The figure is a small Martian at large.
Great Comeback,,,,,,,mag
Mars obsessed Mag strikes again! Maybe Tim will have an iterpretation of the image. Maybe the Honorable Louis F. visited Mars to rally the brotherhood - Gives new meaning to the term "space race".
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