In Spite of Having a Princeton and Harvard Education, a great looking Harvard Grad wife and three gorgeous daughters, Spitzer decides to screw around with a NJ Babe his daughter's age......Good Job Ex-Governor now you can fantasize about what the future will bring.....besides your Family dis-owning you....
Here's what $5,000.00 dollars an hour will buy you...From the Empress Club Website (now closed) ..( Hey Blog Readers....can you guys Pay-Pal me some cash so I can do some investigative reporting...???.......maggotx)

click on the Title ( or HERE http://www.myspace.com/ninavenetta) for Ashley's 's MySpace Page....Nice EX-Governor this could have been your Daughter......think about It..............maggotx

yea I saw that...what an idiot...and ew! What is that Vanessa girl doing on there? She is on the top row and HIDEOUS!! blah! If I was a guy I wouldnt touch her if she paid me!
yeah BUT Winslow is Killer HOT....mag
I heard Senator Craig called. He was curious if Spitzer ever went through the Minneapolis Airport.
Elliot Ness? Elliot MESS! $80,000 plus on this activity alone? Whoa, I hope he gotta lotta ho for his dough! Hey reprehensible behavior like Elliot9's can only deserve a comment like this! The hareder they come, "The harder they fall"! I wonder what Osama is up to?
Thou shalt not get ho with your dough.
What....??? no comments on her MySpace page and her Music.....common guys....
My only comment about the music and video... if she were an American Idol contestant, her number for votes would end with "9"....and I wouldn't be dialing that number. But I guess Eliot would. Perhaps he should have phoned home, E L I O T T T T!
Eh, I'm over it.... though shalt not comment on this entry again.
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