Photos courtesy of Cubby..
For more info on our last Disc Golf adventure including Tim's Ace and Cubby's Ace on the same day as mine, check out Cubby's Blog at ;
nice job dad!!! =)
i like how the bird was in the picture, did he play too!?
hey now,congrats on your ACE!!Peace,mr ed,fl
YAYYYY!!!! I knew you would get one soon! I wish I was there to see it :( Oh well...keep it up. Im so proud of my little boy hahaha jk
Anyway I like the egret hah and the picture done by Cubby is pretty cool! I like how he did that. I will be expecting more of these aces now Dad!! And I do think you should retire the disc, just at least for your first ace :)
Follow Cubby's advice. Retire the disc. Nice Ace!!!!
Nice Maggot, and witnessed by Cubby even better. Yup, I agree. Retire the disc.
Was the Egret admiring those nice white socks??????? If you're superstitious, you'll wear them every game but......... Push them down a little bro.
hahaha Vinnie good call with the socks...but it does make your calves look more jacked Dad!!!
Congratulations! I think you should definitely keep wearing the socks, as long as you wash them.
And you have to retire the disc, it's only right. You'll regret it if you don't
Wow....what about my poor white socks..I know, even the Egret thought they were stupid...But it's a Maggotx trademark.....I'm just trying not to get Poison Ivy since it's prevalent at both courses...HHHmmmm, maybe i'll switch to "nude" tone pantyhose.....
A kilt with leggings would look f i n e and would be a nod to traditional ball golf!! Don't go for the pantyhose, too hot! Yeah, too hot, the egret might think you look hot! Congratz on your ace; retire the disc to an honored spot on a wall in a room you may wistfully call your Man Room and go out and get another ace!
Mark you would know that panty hose are too hot wouldn't you? hahaha
But yes I do agree with Mark go out and get another one to put in your "man room" bah!
That is awesome... I now know how hard the sport is... I remember my first attempt at it (Yikes!!!). Congrats on the ace! miss you everyone and hope all is well
ZELDA strikes again!!! Yes, the splenetic "pen" of the "Warrior Queen" reveals her quick wit and charm!
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