This weekend Vinny "Bagadonuts", his lovely wife Agida Zabaglione and and the Junior, Sonny Biscotti visited the Maggotx compound for some R&R. A visit to the shore, some pool time and Disc Golf along with imbibing our beverages of choice led to a very fun weekend.

Vinny Bagadonuts and Maggotx

Agida (who else) insists on a Visit to the Local White Castle to sample the Heartwarming or should I say, Heart-Burning? Cuisine (could this be another SFBC...?)

Vinny Bagadonuts with his Trademark Donuts (Hey Buddy, whaddaya wanna Donut..?)

The Bagodonut's Dog Burpo "Bagobiscuits" looking to play some Disc Golf with his Mini...

The Cubbster, Tim E., Vinny "Bagadonuts" and Maggotx (in what appears to be a Quasi-Captain Morgan pose) in front of Tim's Stump Basket
I haven't LAUGHED so HARD reading the monikers the Maggotx chose for the Waltham wonders since ... I dunno when!!! Vinny Bagadonuts fits well (except in his own pants after a dozen or two) and Agida was a VERY interesting choice!! sounds and looks like you all had a great visit to The Compound!! Sorry I, Martini, wasn't there to imbibe with you all.
Oh yeah, that pose is more like Mount Gay rum than Capt. Morgan!!
You and the rest of the Falmouth Clan were much missed. Looking forward to a visit with you guys soon.....
Miguel, It was a pleasure meeting Vinny and getting to throw some rounds with him.
Yo Maggotx, whadda freakin' LAME NAME for the pooch!!! You couldn't even come up wit a bow wow WOW kinna tag!!!??? The Guy from Boston might have to come over dere an give ya some ideas right up the .... . My suggestion, an I mean dis wit da greatesssss respeck to yas, is BALONEY BAGOBISCUITS! Ya unnerstan???!!!
OK, OK, I get IT....But I'll only go as far as Burpo Bagobiscuits....
vinny looks a little chubby in that picture...haha
and that picture of burpo bagadonuts is so cute!!! =)
Dad...that pose is like the gayest captain morgan pose ever! Ha your foot is like stuck under the stump in a very awkward side position... hahah
not so great
And yes, the names were very creative, odd but creative...I liked them very much...
Doodle is sooo cute! Did she play too?!?
And vinny I like your lingo
Hahaha, what a stupid pose! Captain Morgan would be embarrassed. It looks like Maggotx has a little too much Captain in him.
It was great to see you guys when I stopped by, though I wish I could've stayed longer. Tell Burpo I hope her leg gets better.
Errr ahhhh maaahhhhhhk was correct. That's definitely a Mount Gay pose by the Maggotx. But the worst part was that i was lined up directly BEHIND him. Yuk!
And Erin, I not only look chubby, I am chubby thanks to the endless supply of pork roll and paella ( spelling) at the compound. Thanks Mag and Mrs Mag and Erin for the fun weekend. Not only did I get to play 2 rounds of golf with Cubby and Maggotx and Tim at Tim's Green Acres, but also finished the trip with a round at Rutgers before heading home. Maaahhhhk, you'll have to break away from your Cape Cod Compund and join us next time.
I've never been to White Castle! Isn't that sad?
Happy Fouth of July!
I am finally able to write a comment.
Big Mama
who the Heck is Big Mama,,,?????
I think that "Big Mama" is yo' mama Mx
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