The Giants played like Midgets...... they were afraid to touch McNabb, they couldn't cover receivers, they couldn't kick Field Goals they were Out-coached, Outplayed and Out-motivated AT HOME..!!!!!.

Good Bye Spagnola.....and Good riddance.....good game plan to pressure the QB.....and Coach Coughlin.....another stellar performance coaching and challenging the stupid calls...
Congratulations to the EAGLES.......a team that right now has a Lot of Heart..I'll be rooting for them to take it all the way to the Super Bowl......Now I know how Vinny Bag O'Donuts felt after his much touted and hyped Patriots lost last year....
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — There have been a lot of bad endings for New York sports teams recently, a lot of endings that make you want to call in sick for a few days at work. The Yankees were a joke by August. The Mets choked it away again in September. Then came the Jets in December with a collapse that somehow made the Mets look like amateurs.

Good Bye Spagnola.....and Good riddance.....good game plan to pressure the QB.....and Coach Coughlin.....another stellar performance coaching and challenging the stupid calls...
Congratulations to the EAGLES.......a team that right now has a Lot of Heart..I'll be rooting for them to take it all the way to the Super Bowl......Now I know how Vinny Bag O'Donuts felt after his much touted and hyped Patriots lost last year....

This ending still might be the worst. The Giants were supposed to be better than this, supposed to be the kind of team that, even if they lost, didn't make you walk away feeling like you never really had a chance. Late Sunday afternoon when it was over, Tom Coughlin said there was "remorse" in the locker room for opportunities missed. That word was appropriate.
I have to admit. I DID NOT WATCH THE GAME. I'm thinking that everyone that was calling for COUGHLINS head prior to their " Lucky win" over the PATS last year, will be back on the dump Coughlin bandwagon. Probably not his fault, but he's ultimately responsible. Even thogh the Giants are a better team, when you play each other 3 times in a year, anything can happen.
Now my PATS and GIANTS are gone. I guess I have to root for PHILLY now.
Vinny bago................
Yo Vinny BoDs, it's not so bad rooting for the E A G L E S!!!Junst think of all the great feelings you experience whenever you are in the Philadelphia area!!!!If that doesn't cheer you up, imagine one of those HUGE cheesestaeaks, of course, without the roll, as you are enjoying a revisit to Atkins-land! And MX, at least you're not left rooting for the Jets or the Pats! It's all good after all, it's all foorball!The really big issue, I think, is to get the NFL to schedule the Super Bowl for Saturday instead of Sunday, so that we could all enjoy the SFBC's and festivities without contemplating the Monday morning malaise!
hey now,although a Giant fan for life,my sentiments agree with the stitching on the hat.
Go Cardinals!!
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