Hit toy Zhu Zhu hamsters called unsafe

Good Guide assigned low ratings to the Zhu Zhu Pets hamsters, one of the top-selling toys, after finding antimony, which can cause health problems, on the hair and nose of one of the toy hamsters, called Mr. Squiggles.
When first when I saw this I knew I had to post it immediately.....especially since I don't want eeeerrrraaahhhhMahhhkkkk...to get Antimony Poisoning .....Quick get some Bloodwork done Dude.....God only knows how many of these little Hamsters he's got around....Poor Mr. Squiggles...!!!!!
Second Post is this Video from the Florida State Game........One has to wonder what was going through this Lineman's Head...
And Lastly....how about some Tiger Woods Jokes...????

- The police asked Tiger's wife how many times she hit him. "I can't remember," Elin said, "just put me down for a 5."
- Ping has a new set of irons called Elins. They're clubs you can beat Tiger with.
- What does Tiger Woods have in common with a baby seal? They've both been clubbed by a Norwegian.
- I heard Tiger likes his Women like his golf balls, White and with Dimples
- Did you hear Tiger changed his name to Cheetah?
- Tiger's other women aren't misstresses. They're provisionals.
- Did you hear Nike's new motto? Just do me.
How did you know MX!!?? They're AWESOME--the robotic hamsters are s--o much easier to control in t i g h t places!! And theu're so cute that you can keep them out in the open when friends visit and not be suspected of anything lewd, lascivious, or ludicrous! I think the Lineman may have been entertaining Mr Squiggles during that play - he's in the right position in his position! Too bed Tiger hasn't learned about these furry little mischief makers - mighta saved him from being clubbed! It's really surprising to me that Tiger seems to suffer from the same golfing challenge that I do....I'm always asking folks on the course to help me find my balls!
great comments and observations.. (as usual)....mag
Important press conference from Tiger.
EEEErrrr Ahhhhhh Maaaaahhhhk, You errrr better get some Febreze on those robotic hamsters they have a strainge odor. With a little Febreze they will smell spring fresh after your romantic interlude.
Yes, I know from experience how to get rid of pesky odors. Febreze and Oziom will always take care of tell tail smells.
Dude, I think anonymous just cursed you! I see the mark of satan in the Chinese characters. Be careful!!!
Holy smolkes Anonymous Morgie! Have I been cursed? The girl in that curse sure is cunning!
Holy smokes Errrr Maaahhkkk!! Did you click on the link from anonymous. It looks like hamster time!!!
This just in Tiger update. This is getting serious!
OKay if you copy and paste the link in your browser it will work.
I deleted the Asian Spam.....I felt the Blog was getting cursed....great follow up link Wa.....
Boy, this Tiger Woods story is certainly interesting and shows Tiger is no superhuman like we thought, but really, why is it getting so much coverage? I mean, come on, there are funny-smelling robotic rodents giving people strange diseases with absolutely no explanation!
Also, the lineman-without-a-clue is just baffling. I know that position isn't known for its intelligence, but what about basic human response from loud noises?
And I guess I missed the Satanic warnings, but I would bet it's just someone defending the use of Mr. Squiggles for any activity, even those deemed illegal in Texas.
Agreed Miggy G.!! This Tiger story is getting w a y too much press; but like dessert (or Mr. Squiggles et al), sometimes you just can't get enough!! And....how in the blasted blooming bizarre world of super stardom did he have time to manage all of these "affairs"???? Maybe this story explains why his game has been so erratic and disappointing lately....and I thought it was because he fired his original swing coach and hired a new one! Boy, if he is ever given a grim diagnosis and his Dr. says "Tiger, it's time to get your affairs in order" - he'll have to live 90 more years or something!!
Not touching this with a ten foot pole!!
Don't mention ten foot poles to Mark.
hahaha on Facebook there is currently around 77,600 people in the group "I Have Also Slept With Tiger Woods".
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