Saturday, January 16, 2010

Almost 1 Year after the Ignaguration....Obsessive Obama supporters still can't comprehend how empty their lives are.....

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Holy Crap. I've seen a lot of them in Mass. I thought they were Massholes but this is much worse. Does the blogmaster know how many of these zonbies are on the loose? Janelle is right . Call in the Paramedics

Anonymous said...

Amiable dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.

WA!! said...

Wow that is just more proof that we should legalize drugs. That park looked worse than the parks in Amsterdam where all the junkies hang out. At least if they were on heroin it would explain the lost zombie behavior. As a matter of fact I think Timothy Leary had the right idea, give them mind expanding drugs.
Maybe they will come to life. What the hell we could use a peace protest now and then. Right now that makes more sense then supporting Obama Binladen.

Errrr Ahhhh ANONYMOUS said...

ZOIKS!!!!! Zombamamies!!! I believe that some of these poor folks were recruited by the campaigns of Scott Brown and Maaaaahhhhtha Coakley here in Bay State to call my phoneline repeatedly over the last ten days, calling me by name, and demanding my vote for "their" candidate!!!! Dare I go anywhere near the polls - I fear that what exists of my brain will be sucked out of my head by one of these creatures if I answer their inquiry about my vote the "wrong" way!!! Qrick, call in Alexander Haig to take control of this outrageous situation!! Perhaps my annoyance with "Anonymous" is misdirected - after all, "they" need some kind of outlet!! And all os these "Anonymous"'s are probably Zombamamies!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Crap! I didn't realize! I guess it's time to stop pretending my shit doesn't stink, stop chanting "Yes We Can" (because we sooo can't), remove the Obama '08 sticker from the back of my Prius, toss my J.Crew catalog and go back to my job at Starbucks (those student loans don't keep themselves in deferrment). Ahhh to see the hopes and dreams of a generation down the drain, smells of desperation and Axe body spray. Well, I suppose the crippling debt, sky rocketing unemployment, ACORN and those lovely Ralph Lauren pillows from Macy's (purchased on credit) will soften the blow.
In tears...