Monday, February 28, 2011

In Honor...(or Dishonor)..of the Academy Awards......!!!!

The Best One of he Best Movies ever made.....with one of the Best casts ever....

"Cavatina"...from Mr. Stanley much better can you get than this....

No wonder I rarely go to movies anymore........


pc said...

One of my all-time faves...

Errrr Ahhhh Maaaaahhhhk said...

Gotta get that song for my library and gotta get the music to learn for my guitar! The movie is so disturbing...just the kind of flick "abiogens" would and will love! Isnt there a scene with a SFBC in it?

Unknown said...

mgx......good to see you on the blog again.
i remember watching the movie and being paralyzed by some of the scenes. DiNiro is the best, period!

Unknown said...

and like you said, one of the best casts ever assembled

mr ed,fl said...

One of the best movies capturing those days of our youth and that damn war.Knew too many Jersey Pa guys that never returned,Peace,mr ed
How's your dg game now with weather warming up,probabaly have to look out for all the water flooding.