Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Solution to All of Our Problems: Chuck Norris

Chuck has made a list of promises that will certainly get him elected in 2008.
  • Expose the real WMDs – my fists and feet.
  • Resolve the Iraq war by bringing all of our military personnel home immediately, then going over there by myself for "martial arts negotiations."
  • Personally smoke out bin Laden by myself and round-house kick him all the way back to America, where my United Fighting Arts Federation will handle the justice issues.
  • Turn the Rose Garden into a new fighting ring for the World Combat League, in which liberals and conservatives will fight for legislative leadership and priority.
  • Require Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to personally pay for national, comprehensive medical coverage for every American (or meet me in the Rose Garden).
Check out his article for more information. I'll be honest, I'd vote for him!


mag said...

my favorite is no Presidential pardons EVER....I you can't do the time don't do the crime.....

mag said...

BTW..(I'll bet you didn't know this ..!!!!)..you can get a Chuck Norris Fact Generator for your Google home page (which I incidentally have) Today's Chuck Norris fact is:

In the medical community, death is referred to as "Chuck Norris Disease"