Sunday, December 09, 2007

WOW...Talk about the Consequence of Rising Fuel Costs...I'll take mine Medium Rare.....true story

China crematorium dumps half-burnt bodies to save fuel

HONG KONG, Dec 7 (Reuters) - China's worst fuel crunch in years has led a crematorium to dump half-burnt corpses to try to save on diesel costs, a Hong Kong newspaper said on Friday.

Villagers in Hengyang county, in the southern province of Hunan, discovered the practice when an "unbearable stench" started coming from the site, and tried to block a road on Wednesday to stop funeral vehicles from delivering more bodies.

The village sent people to investigate the smell and the South China Morning Post said they saw "crematorium workers putting half-burnt human remains and organs in plastic bags and throwing them into a nearby ditch".

"As the price of diesel rose, we saw more and more bags thrown out from the crematorium," the paper quoted Xiao Gaoyi, a village representative and one of the witnesses, as saying.


Miguel Garces said...

Wow, and we're worrying about travel costs. Hmmm, I wonder how many corpses it would take to power an airplane?

Anonymous said...

Talk about "half assed" work! And why would they waste fuel butning half a body???? Just throw the whole damn thing away! first lead paint on toys, now this! Mark