Tuesday, March 18, 2008

OUCH......Some People thought she was Foxy...But now you know She's really Batty....!!!!!!

Botox is turning Nicole Kidman into a 'bat face', says cosmetic guru

With frizzy red hair, milky white skin and a dusting of freckles, Nicole Kidman was never considered a conventional Hollywood beauty.

But she is now. And as well as a smooth golden hairstyle and perfect skin she has a freeze-frame face, free of even the faintest expression lines.

Not that cosmetic surgeons are lining up to take the credit. One claimed her unfortunate "bat face" look was putting other women off cosmetic treatments.

The 40-year-old Academy Award winner is so "over-Botoxed" she is giving the industry a bad name, Dr Martin Braun told a conference of medical experts.

Miss Kidman has always denied using Botox injections. "I am completely natural," she said in a recent magazine interview. "I have nothing in my face or anything." Said Miss Kidman as she wiped some GUANO off her face.....

HMMMMm,,,,,,I Think the Bat is a Little Cuter what do you think...????

Thanks to MmmmmmAAAahhhKKK and JP36 for the article....


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the bat is definitely cuter and I'll bet the bat is truly all natural. And junst think of the advantages of hanging with the bat; few if any mosquitoes and thus a reduced risk of acquiring West Nile , a gyide through the darkest of nights, and if your hearing is acute enough, the chance to hear some really cool sonic location. Nicole PALES in comparison....Batman didn't really ever NEED Batgirl, after all. Looking at that face makes me T E N S EEEE! (Not that my visage does anybody any good, either)

Anonymous said...

haha yeah id rather hang out with the bat than nicole kidman ha, and i know heather thinks the bat is cute, but its really not....its scary!

mag said...

Maaaahhhkkkk...You've brought a Fresh and Well thought out perspective to this discussion,,,,I think I may Concur.....Although Batgirl is pretty HOT......

mag said...

All I have to say is the bat is adorable...

anddd Nicole Kidman looks like a freak

anddd good call Mark...I like how you think haha

Miguel Garces said...

Thou shalt not hang out with Nicole Kidman and run the risk of getting West Nile.

Anonymous said...

Australians scare me more than Canadians... they have shifty eyes and bad English accents.