Sunday, April 01, 2007

New NFL scoring system announced

Touchdowns now worth nine points; Longer field goals worth more.

April 1, 2007 - NFL Headquarters, New York: In a radical move meant to excite fans and to keep up with government inflation predictions, the National Football League today announced that it will be altering the points allotted for various scoring situations.

He went on to outline the changes that the league has agreed to implement, saying "No longer will touchdowns be worth 6 points. Beginning this August, in pre-season of 2007, all touchdowns will count for 9 points. PATs (Point After Touchdowns), once worth 1 point will now count for 1 and a half points for a total of 10 1/2 points per touchdown and kick. Perhaps the most exciting change comes in the category of field goals. Any field goal kicked on or before the 40 yard line increases from 3 to 4 points. Kicks made between the 40 and 50 yard lines will be worth 5 points. Any field goal made from beyond mid-field will be worth 5 and a half points. A Safety increases by 1 to 3 points, while the 2 point conversion, which is a relatively new scoring option in the National Football League, remains unchanged."

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