Monday, August 27, 2007

Scariest Thing Ever


CDGW-Cubby said...

I hope I never see anything like that on the Disc Golf Course!

mag said...

Holy Crap...that is one scary Monster...

Unknown said...

I keep telling uncle mark that the Chilean Sea bass he likes to order looks just like that beast in the picture.Read this.

Dining: Local chefs starting to pass on Chilean sea bass

By Mike Dunne -- Bee Food Editor
(Published 6:56 a.m. PST Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2002)

What's not to love about the Patagonian toothfish?

Don't you just love the name alone?

In an underseas thriller movie -- if there were such a genre --

it would play the Godfather, a menacing primal presence prowling

the ocean depths with an air of brooding invincibility.

You look at a picture of a Patagonian toothfish and you think you must be looking at a fossil -- jutting, fleshy jaw, big dark eyes, fins long and spiky. It's beautiful, in the same way bats are beautiful.

But some people don't think it's very beautiful, beginning with that name. In a flash of perverted marketing acumen, "Patagonian toothfish" overnight became the sensation "Chilean sea bass." Marlon Brando one day, Brad Pitt the next.

Unknown said...

by the way, that fish in the picture is not a chilean sea bass


Anonymous said...

It's a Tigerfish, they are native to Africa.

mag said...

Hey Anonymous....The questions is are they good eating.....It looks like they have Great Fillets....However, I wouldn't like to be the one to remove the Hook from it's mouth....mag