Saturday, October 17, 2009

OBAMA in New Negotiations....!!!!!

No Doubt many Blog readers and Friends have heard me Complain that President Obama, as likable as he is, has been too Indecisive........Unwilling to take a Firm Leadership role ....basically too much talk and too little action....BUT I'm afraid this time he has gone Too Far....!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

In this moment after watching this video all I can do is quote Charlie Brown... "Good Greif!" That was completely too stupid to post. I can't support this decision.

Miguel Garces said...

I have to disagree with Morgei...I thought this video was ingenious! There are certainly perils to negotiating with an extremely dangerous, completely irrational, and unblinkingly destructive force (especially one that can withstand a parachute jump from HilDog), but I must ask, where is this metaphorical flaming inferno? I don't think it's health care, since Hillary wouldn't be jumping into another raging hellfire like that again. It can't be Iran because it's crazy to think that deterrence (which is something only rational actors can comply with) won't work against a country surrounded by a continent full of nuclear powers. Oh, perhaps it's conservatives like Glenn and Rush who unblinkingly and irrationally call Obama a racist and claim that we must challenge the patriotism of those who question Bush's policies, but then a few years later claim that he hopes the president fails.

I don't actually think these specific conservatives are as destructive or illogical as a wildfire, but I do think that if it's anti-intellectualism we're fighting, I'm on the side of those who think the world is not ending tomorrow and we haven't seen a non-negotiable foe for many years.

Unknown said...


but i did like the part in the video where they said that the fire incinerated the letter without even reading it. hahaha

and p.s. the "nerd" comment was targeted to mick not you maggotx.

Unknown said...


but i did like the part in the video where they said that the fire incinerated the letter without even reading it. hahaha

and p.s. the "nerd" comment was targeted to mick not you maggotx.

Miguel Garces said...

...and proud of it.

Miguel Garces said...

...and proud of it.

errrr ahhhh Maaaaahhhhk said...

Thanks Miggy G.!!!! That dissertation expleains it all, even the strange dissappearances over the Bermuda Triangle!

WA!! said...

Why are Heather and Mick posting twice. Are they trying to make me think there are a lot of comments here?? Or did the blog stutter?