Monday, October 12, 2009


World Won't End in 2012, Mayans Insist

For the Mayans, Dec. 21, 2012 marks what one scholar calls "a special anniversary of creation." New Age pundits have taken this to mean the end of the world. But most Mayans, including tribal elder Apolinario Chile Pixtun, above, dismiss the idea as nonsense.

Definitely not, the Mayan Indian elder insists. "I came back from England last year and, man, they had me fed up with this stuff."

It can only get worse for him. Next month Hollywood's "2012" opens in cinemas, featuring earthquakes, meteor showers and a tsunami dumping an aircraft carrier on the White House.
At Cornell University, Ann Martin, who runs the "Curious? Ask an Astronomer" Web site, says people are scared.

"It's too bad that we're getting e-mails from fourth-graders who are saying that they're too young to die," Martin said. "We had a mother of two young children who was afraid she wouldn't live to see them grow up."

Chile Pixtun, a Guatemalan, says the doomsday theories spring from Western, not Mayan ideas.
A significant time period for the Mayas does end on the date, and enthusiasts have found a series of astronomical alignments they say coincide in 2012, including one that happens roughly only once every 25,800 years.

But most archaeologists, astronomers and Maya say the only thing likely to hit Earth is a meteor shower of New Age philosophy, pop astronomy, Internet doomsday rumors and TV specials such as one on the History Channel which mixes "predictions" from Nostradamus and the Mayas and asks: "Is 2012 the year the cosmic clock finally winds down to zero days, zero hope?"
It may sound all too much like other doomsday scenarios of recent decades — the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, the Jupiter Effect or "Planet X." But this one has some grains of archaeological basis.

One of them is Monument Six.

Found at an obscure ruin in southern Mexico during highway construction in the 1960s, the stone tablet almost didn't survive; the site was largely paved over and parts of the tablet were looted.

It's unique in that the remaining parts contain the equivalent of the date 2012. The inscription describes something that is supposed to occur in 2012 involving Bolon Yokte, a mysterious Mayan god associated with both war and creation.

However — shades of Indiana Jones — erosion and a crack in the stone make the end of the passage almost illegible.

Archaeologist Guillermo Bernal of Mexico's National Autonomous University interprets the last eroded glyphs as maybe saying, "He will descend from the sky." Spooky, perhaps, but Bernal notes there are other inscriptions at Mayan sites for dates far beyond 2012.

"If I went to some Mayan-speaking communities and asked people what is going to happen in 2012, they wouldn't have any idea," said Jose Huchim, a Yucatan Mayan archaeologist. "That the world is going to end? They wouldn't believe you. We have real concerns these days, like rain."


WA!! said...

Cool post Maggot. I always believed it will be a new beginning, the dawn of the age of Aquarius, not the end of anything but our past. But that might be because my I grew up with the 60's hit song "The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius" and it's also my Zodiac sign. So I am just a biased new age Aquarian. But you have to admit it makes for great watching on the Discovery and Science Channel. At night when we sit to watch TV I ask Marketa let's see do we watch floods, meteors, tsunamis or Life After Humans.
George Carlin put it best.

Unknown said...

Oh Crap! Just when i'm going to retire the world is coming to an end. Hagar the Horrible strikes again.

Miguel Garces said...

Ha! George Carlin always seems to put it best.

These fear-mongering History Channel "documentaries" are certainly interesting to watch, but I really do wonder about those poor people who take them a bit too seriously. Every day "could" be the end of the world in the nuclear era, and I doubt an alignment of the planets is any more dangerous than that.

WA!! said...

You have a point Miggy, if either happens there isn't much we can do but smile. Hell I am more scared of Hilary Clinton's gaze!!
I guess the history channel has gone from the Hitler channel to the apocalypse channel.
See you on the other side of the black hole.

errr ahhhh Maaaaahhhhk said...

Better get your blog comments in on time; Dec. 22, 2012 may be TOO LATE!....I wonder if the internet exists beyond the human world???? And of course those predictions are wrong; if humnas could predict outcomes accurately, we'd all be rich off the stock market!