Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Disc Golf

Not to be deterred by The Holiest Religious Holiday maggotx, Cubby and Rob Z. played some early DG Easter Sunday at Rob's Bunker Hill Course....Note the Low Sun Angle...It's early (and Cold) boys and girls......Poor Tim E. was home resting up prior to his Rotator Cuff Surgery.....

BTW In Honor of the Navy Seal Sharpshooters and their Valiant Rescue here are some Somali Pirate Jokes..... AAAARRR......

These are the Morons Holding the World's Shipping Hostage............ARE YOU KIDDING ME.....!!!!!...Hey I Know how to STOP Somalian Piracy....Airdrop some Bundles of good Grade Columbian Weed a couple of bottles of Mad Dog (cheap wine) and some Porn ...and these Punks will forget about Hijacking .......

Since none of the good guys were harmed in the saving of a maritime hostage, surely the world is again safe for pirate jokes:

What does Obama give to evil pirates? A shot in the dARRRk!!!

Why do pirates hate seals? They're ShARRRp Shooters!!!

What do pirates now fear the most? The U.S. NARRRVY!!!

What happened to the pirate who messed with the USS Bainbridge? Hoisted by his own PetARRRd!!!

What will the hostage-taking pirates be missing next year? MARRRdi Gras!!!

What is a pirate's favourite type of music?
Arr and B!

What did the pirate name his daughter?

Did you hear about the new pirate movie?
It's rated arrrrrrrrr!

What brand of clothes do pirates wear?

What is a pirate's favorite dessert?
Peach cobblARRRRR!!


Unknown said...

Peggy was a good change of pace. But the Maaaavelous Maahhhhk should come up with a better daughter name.

Errrr Arrrrggghhhh Maaaaahhhhk said...

Why were the Pirates being sooooo loud???? Because they were having an AAARRRRGUMENT!!!! Why did the Pirate name his first born child "Cannon"??? Because it had BALLS!!! Courtesy of Todd in Cambridge...A Pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel sticking out of his fly...after serving the Pirate several grogs and building up the courage to do so, the bartender asks the Pirate why he has a steering wheel sticking out of his fly...the Pirate answers...IT'S DRIVIN' ME NUTS!!!! And (for Pico who challenged me to come up with a parrot joke)...Why do parrots hang out with Pirates???? Because Pirates are willing to shoulder the BIRDEN!!!!!!!

mag said...

Great Job.......I knew only the Errr Arrrrrgggghhhh Maaaaahhhhkk,,,would come up to the BEST reply...well you'd better hope Morgan doesn't read this...maggotx

erin said...

dad, your pirate jokes were corny and maaahhkkkkk's were weirddddddd, but still probably better than yours. sorry haha