Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Maggotx Band and Music Video of the Week.....

Husky Rescue, From Finland.....

Their Music is definitely Maggotx style.....dark, haunting, electronic, trip-hoppy and best of all female vocals and a very hot lady...Reeta-Leena Korhola's fragile, vocals top off an airy ambiance .......check out the videos, and listen to the Music...


Anonymous said...

What to say about Husky Rescue... I really liked her in 1985 when her name was Kate Bush. I'm sorry, I won't carry a knock off Louis Vuitton bag and I won't listen to knock off music. I have to say that they are the Canal Street equivalent! On another note, if your after dark haunting music might I suggest Poe's 2nd album aptly entitled "Haunted"

Errrr Ahhhh Maaaaahhhhk said...

"Sweeping all before them in an orgy of dreamy multimelody...."...multi melody what!!?? This is definitely M4 material!! Wonder what the soon to graduate M5 ponders and postulates about them??!!

Unknown said...

Yes, M4 material. Pretty blond girl. But I could get a dozen Waltham High show choir girls with a better voice than that. 2 THUMBS DOWN. I just wasted 7 minutes of my lunch break!!!!!

Unknown said...

Tell the truth, the great leg and stick shift is the only reason you liked this.