Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday Disc Golf w/ Tim & Cubby

On my day off played 2 rounds with Cubby and Tim at Green Acres....Almost took Cubby's #1 Tag (currently I am #3). But as usual, Cubby persevered....Tim made us BBQ Hot Dogs for lunch and played well lefty.... We must have seen 8-9 snakes on the course....

Check out Cubby's blog for more info and a video of his latest Ace....

I will now leave you with some Swine Flu Humor.... (I know it's not politically correct've gotta laugh once in a while...)

They used to say a black man would be president "when pigs fly" Indeed 100 days into Obamas presidency..Swine Flu!

How do you cure Swine Flu..??? ...easy, apply Oinkment

I called the Swine Flu Hotline today but couldn't get through...all I got was Crackling!!


Miguel Garces said...

erin said...

wow mick u just ruined pooh bear for me. and like always the jokes were corny. but still funny haha